
Healing Trauma with Design Thinking

My talk from HR Transform 2022 (#HRTransform #HRT2022) was part of the "Human First" track and called Healing Trauma with Design Thinking. This was a very vulnerable moment and I’m honored that the conference organizers saw how important it was to share my story. My goal in sharing was that we can work to remove the stigma on mental health, build awareness and empathy for PTSD, encourage treatment, and remind everyone that it's possible to create trauma-informed work environments where survivors can thrive.

Session Description: Design thinking has emerged as an ubiquitous, repeatable and reliable process for driving innovation in a modern business context. One of the ways this is possible is through intentional and controlled induction of stress states on the body to drive innovation ideation. Through learning to harness stress, turn it on and off, and leverage it for problem solving, survivors are able to gain a new relationship with their trauma and foster positive self image and healing. Pulling from my own career experience as a top design thinking educator and innovation consultant and navigating my own personal healing journeying as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I will explore the positive linkage between these methods and how other survivors can harness the body’s defense against trauma for their own self-healing.

As in all things, representation matters. It is still pretty rare to hear business leaders talk about deeply personal struggles with serious mental health issues like PTSD. That makes it even harder for anyone struggling with PTSD to even think they can still achieve heights in their career. Not to mention that the term PTSD has lost a lot of it's meaning as it is being used colloquially in ways that minimize the severity of the experience of someone suffering from actual PTSD. But the reality is that a staggering 15 million adults suffer from PTSD at any given time in the US and at least 6% of the total US population will develop PTSD at some point in their lives – that's actually more that the total number of Asian Americans in the US. I am someone who suffers from cPTSD and anxiety disorder related to trauma from my childhood and I feel that if I speak opening about my struggles and journey, bring awareness to statistics about PTSD and explain how it works and what the symptoms are like, it will help anyone who might be suffering feel understood and bring awareness and empathy to the work world. Thanks for being kind enough to listen to my story and taking the time to understand a little bit what it is like to experience PTSD. And if you know someone who has PTSD but thinks there isn't any hope out there, I want them to know that there is! There are a variety of treatments that they can try and career fields and work environments where they can not only thrive but be a real asset!

Experience Design Team All Hands - The Power of Craft


The Capital One Experience Design Team invited me to speak to at their annual All Hands meeting and inspire their more than 650 designers, research, strategists, writers and front end developers about the power of craft. I shared with them one of my core tenants of my design practice which is that as designers not only can we use our powers of empathy for designers for our customers but also to become really great partners and to understand our stakeholders. I find that designers often forget that our design skills can be applied more broadly to solve so many problems!


Download my slides from All Hands here:

The Power of Craft

Improving Marketplace Design Quality though Experimentation


Experimentation is core to the practice of product design at Etsy. I shared tips at the 2020 Ecom Design Summit. Here is the abstract for my talk:

A challenge for designers in the ecommerce space is the fast pace of experimentation through A/B and multivariate testing. However, when you provide designers with the right baseline knowledge and a framework of principles, experimentation can be a driver of better user experience and a means to empower designers with their cross-functional product and analytics partners. In this talk I will explore how we are empowering designers to be savvy experimentators and changing A/B testing to be a tool for design and not a hindrance to great experience.


Download my slides from The Ecom Design Summit here:

Improving Marketplace Design Quality Through Experimentation

Econ Design Summit Speaker Bio

Econ Design Summit Speaker Bio

Learn more about at the conference’s website:


2018 LexisNexis Risk Solutions Customer Advisory Meeting


Since its formation in 1996, the Customer Advisory Meeting has been held annually to engage key customers on industry best practices and innovations. Each year hundreds of insurance executives participate in plenary sessions, network with peers and learn how they can grow a more profitable book of business with help from LexisNexis.

Image courtesy of LexisNexis

Image courtesy of LexisNexis

Commercial: The Future of Commercial Insurance Panel Discussion - Taking on Transformation

In today’s data-driven, connected world, there are a variety of new technologies, data sources, and changing market dynamics on the minds of everyone in the industry. Following the introduction of these concepts in the first commercial session, we will facilitate a panel discussion among industry experts who will provide their own thoughts on how they already, or plan to, address these evolving market trends and industry dynamics. You will leave this session with ideas and concepts that can help you begin to take steps now to prepare for the transformational changes of tomorrow.



Christina Goldschmidt, Accenture, Bloom, Design Director

Ernie Feirer, LexisNexis, VP & GM Commercial Insurance [Moderator]

Patrice Nolan, Competiscan, Vice President, Research Services

Jenn Parker, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance, Director, Customer Experience, Small Commercial

Learn more about the conference here:

LexisNexis Risk Solutions CAM 2018

Two Sigma Summer Salon


Have thoughts on which audience groups will be most effected by massive tech disruption?  I joined the debate at Two Sigma Ventures where I was an expert speaker about customer insights for the Gig Economy.  

Image courtesy of Two Sigma Ventures

Image courtesy of Two Sigma Ventures

Two Sigma Ventures is excited to host our second Summer Salon - an evening of lively conversation with some of the smartest people we know in NYC. We look forward to hosting you in our SoHo space on Thursday, July 12th. Come ready to debate the following:

Which demographic will be the most affected by technological advances and/or automation over the next 25 years?

- A 16 year-old considering post-high school life
- A 30 year-old supporting a family by working in the gig economy
- A 45 year-old mid-career worker without a college education and/or a high-tech skill set
- A 55 year-old planning for post-retirement life

See the full agenda here:


Image courtesy of Two Sigma Ventures

Image courtesy of Two Sigma Ventures

Dig In: Battle for the Customer (Experience)


We all know that insurance is an industry not well loved by customers, and maybe some of that disdain is deserved. As an industry, we haven’t focused on delivering a great customer experience online and offline. But customer expectations of a great experience are continually increasing, and they expect the same level of experience from their insurance company as they are getting from other online companies like amazon, apple and facebook. This panel will discuss the importance of the customer experience in an increasingly online world, and how carriers and startups are evolving to meet those expectations. Panelists will also discuss the challenges of delivering not just a great front-end web experience, but going beyond that to deliver a seamless experience across all touchpoints of service, claims, etc.

Image courtesy of Dig In

Image courtesy of Dig In

I was joined on this panel by Darryl Siry from ProSight Specialty and though Michael Rudy from Jetty was supposed to join us, he didn't make it.  

See my bio and the conference info here:


Podcast - Broker on the Go, Canadian Insurance Top Broker


Insuring Gig Workers

In this two part podcast, hear me discuss the risks for gig economy workers and what gig works actually want from insurance.

Image courtesy of Canadian Insurance Top Broker

Image courtesy of Canadian Insurance Top Broker

Insurance & Gig Economy Meetup in NYC


Cake & Arrow teamed up with Coverager to discuss the future of insurance in the age of the gig economy.

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

I presented our data from our white paperr: Insurance in the Age of the Gig Economy: What happens to insurance when business gets personal?, including my research, design work, and insights into the future of insurance in the gig economy. The agenda also consisted of a series of panels and fireside chats with insurance industry executives, journalists and startup founders.  See the full details advertising the event here:



  • 8:30- 9:15am: Breakfast & Networking

  • 9:15- 9:30am: Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • 9:30-9:50am: Human-Centered Design and the Gig Economy

  • 9:50-10:10am: Branding in the Gig Economy

    • Featuring: Doug Cameron, Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Creative Officer, DCX Growth Accelerator, agency of record for Fiverr
  • 10:10-10:30am: Fireside Chat with Sarah Kessler

    • Featuring: Sarah Kessler, Managing Editor at Quartz at Work and author of the forthcoming book: GIGGED: The End of the Job and the Future of Work
  • 10:30-11:00am: Panel- Keeping Up With the Gig Economy

    • Jeff Rutledge, CEO of AIG Travel
    • Matan Slatger, Head of Market Disruption, Personal Insurance AIG
    • Darryl Siry, Chief Digital Officer at Prosight Specialty Insurance, which recently launched ProSight Direct, an online sales platform that allows DJs to buy insurance online in minutes
    • Mick Noland, Senior VP for MetLife Auto & Home's product management, the company’s property & casualty business
  • 11:00-11:30 am: Panel- Platform Perspectives: Meeting Gig Workers on Their Own Turf

    • Josh Karam, Co-Founder and CEO of Hyr, on online platform connecting traditional businesses (starting with restaurants, hotels, and retailers) to quality workers, on demand, without the need of an archaic staffing agency
    • Ace Callwood, CEO and Co-Founder of Painless1099, a smart bank account that manages 1099s, benefits, and taxes for independent contractors and their clients.
    • Mario Gabriele, Business Strategy at Fiverr and former Chief of Staff at AND CO.
Event attendees, image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Event attendees, image courtesy of Cake & Arrow


Christina conducing a fireside chat with author Sarah Kessler.  Image courtesy of Cake & Arro

The Impact of the Gig Economy and Non-traditional Labor Models


On April 4th, I'll be moderating a panel at the HR Transform conference on the gig economy.  150 million workers in North America and Western Europe no longer call the confines of traditional employment their work home, having chosen (and many times not) life as independent contractors. It is one of the largest shifts to have happened to the workforce and workplace in generations. What it means for HR leaders is equally profound, especially if the estimates of 43% of the workforce being “gig” workers in less than two years’ time. Independence should be a choice, and these workers should be leading richer lives than they were previously. The time is now to both harness the desire to ensure happiness and productivity for all.

Learn more about the conference:


Image courtesy of Wade Burgess

Image courtesy of Wade Burgess

Discussing MegaTrends & Emerging Risk at SVIA’s InsurTech Fusion 2018


Hear my speak on March 27th at the 2018 SVIA InsurTech Fusion conference.  I'll be chatting about shifting consumer behavior, and how insurance companies can anticipate and successfully respond to emerging risks.

Read more at the Cake & Arrow site:


See a video of my talk, fast forward to the 13:05 mark:

Insurtech Silicon Valley 2017

On March 29th, I joined John Tramonti, Assistant Vice President at MetLife to speak at Insurtech Silicon Valley 2017 Summit. The theme of the conference was Core Systems and Insurtech Fusion: Roadmap for Rapid Innovation and Transformation and focused on how insurtech is driving a paradigm shift in product innovation and core systems transformation.

It was super exciting to be speaking with MetLife’s John Tramonti at this insurtech conference and to share how our great partnership is transforming their business.  Our work together will make them the carrier of choice for customers and agents!

See video of the panel: https://youtu.be/KDy6PXpLKfU

We spoke on a panel including Andrea P Eichorn, Cognitive Solutions, Global Executive at IBM and Dustin Yoder, Founder and Head of Product and Strategy at Sureify about how the insurance value chain is shifting and what it will take to compete as the insurance industry goes digital.

Use discount code ChristinaG-15 for 15% off!

Use discount code ChristinaG-15 for 15% off!

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Transformation & Tradition: Re-Imagining the Customer-Agent Experience in Insurance


I have had the pleasure of interviewing countless insurance agents/brokers across the globe and also equal numbers of insurance clients.  The one universal conclusion from my hours and hours of research is that the customer-agent experience in insurance is broken. In this Webinar, Jane Lindner and I explain how to use our human-centered approach to fix it.

Image courtesey of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesey of Cake & Arrow

Ladies that UX: Effective UX Portfolios – A Panel Discussion

I was very proud to host this seasoned group of industry veteran women as we candidly addressed different perspectives and approaches for UX portfolios.  The audience questions were great and they spured such great dialogue.  Thanks to She Says for bring together this great group of women.  It was even better to finally get to meet Jennifer Gergen from MeetUp and to be introduced to Francia, who became my first intern at Ai.

Learn more about the event:


SheSays NY: Balancing Speed, Efficiency & Design Integrity

What a deep panel topic!  We got into heated debates and really explored different ways of collaborating.  A lot of the crowd was not UX focused, but more advertising focused so I was happy that I could speak to different environments to appeal to the crowd.  It was so much fun to be moderated by my good friend Julia Sosa.

Neo’s Lean Day: UX

Designing a Lean UX half-day workshop for over 250 people was a challenge, but leading it was an experience I wasn't quite prepared for.  What a great and amazing overload of the senses.  Interacting with that many people in just a few hours was so invigorating.  Seeing people take to new problem solving methods with strangers and feeling prepared to take new techniques back with them to their everyday work life, made me feel that it was all worth it.

Learn more about the event:


NYC UXPA: Speed Dating For Your Résumé

This annual UXPA event is a great one for anyone looking for a job or about to enter the job market.  Ben Tregoing kicked off the night with a great presentation on UX portfolios and then the rest of us met up with the attendees to give them resume tips.  I'm proud to report that my line was one of the longest.

Learn more about the event:
