Insurtech Silicon Valley 2017

On March 29th, I joined John Tramonti, Assistant Vice President at MetLife to speak at Insurtech Silicon Valley 2017 Summit. The theme of the conference was Core Systems and Insurtech Fusion: Roadmap for Rapid Innovation and Transformation and focused on how insurtech is driving a paradigm shift in product innovation and core systems transformation.

It was super exciting to be speaking with MetLife’s John Tramonti at this insurtech conference and to share how our great partnership is transforming their business.  Our work together will make them the carrier of choice for customers and agents!

See video of the panel:

We spoke on a panel including Andrea P Eichorn, Cognitive Solutions, Global Executive at IBM and Dustin Yoder, Founder and Head of Product and Strategy at Sureify about how the insurance value chain is shifting and what it will take to compete as the insurance industry goes digital.

Use discount code ChristinaG-15 for 15% off!

Use discount code ChristinaG-15 for 15% off!

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow