Dig In: Battle for the Customer (Experience)


We all know that insurance is an industry not well loved by customers, and maybe some of that disdain is deserved. As an industry, we haven’t focused on delivering a great customer experience online and offline. But customer expectations of a great experience are continually increasing, and they expect the same level of experience from their insurance company as they are getting from other online companies like amazon, apple and facebook. This panel will discuss the importance of the customer experience in an increasingly online world, and how carriers and startups are evolving to meet those expectations. Panelists will also discuss the challenges of delivering not just a great front-end web experience, but going beyond that to deliver a seamless experience across all touchpoints of service, claims, etc.

Image courtesy of Dig In

Image courtesy of Dig In

I was joined on this panel by Darryl Siry from ProSight Specialty and though Michael Rudy from Jetty was supposed to join us, he didn't make it.  

See my bio and the conference info here:
