Insurance & Gig Economy Meetup in NYC


Cake & Arrow teamed up with Coverager to discuss the future of insurance in the age of the gig economy.

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

I presented our data from our white paperr: Insurance in the Age of the Gig Economy: What happens to insurance when business gets personal?, including my research, design work, and insights into the future of insurance in the gig economy. The agenda also consisted of a series of panels and fireside chats with insurance industry executives, journalists and startup founders.  See the full details advertising the event here:


  • 8:30- 9:15am: Breakfast & Networking

  • 9:15- 9:30am: Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • 9:30-9:50am: Human-Centered Design and the Gig Economy

  • 9:50-10:10am: Branding in the Gig Economy

    • Featuring: Doug Cameron, Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Creative Officer, DCX Growth Accelerator, agency of record for Fiverr
  • 10:10-10:30am: Fireside Chat with Sarah Kessler

    • Featuring: Sarah Kessler, Managing Editor at Quartz at Work and author of the forthcoming book: GIGGED: The End of the Job and the Future of Work
  • 10:30-11:00am: Panel- Keeping Up With the Gig Economy

    • Jeff Rutledge, CEO of AIG Travel
    • Matan Slatger, Head of Market Disruption, Personal Insurance AIG
    • Darryl Siry, Chief Digital Officer at Prosight Specialty Insurance, which recently launched ProSight Direct, an online sales platform that allows DJs to buy insurance online in minutes
    • Mick Noland, Senior VP for MetLife Auto & Home's product management, the company’s property & casualty business
  • 11:00-11:30 am: Panel- Platform Perspectives: Meeting Gig Workers on Their Own Turf

    • Josh Karam, Co-Founder and CEO of Hyr, on online platform connecting traditional businesses (starting with restaurants, hotels, and retailers) to quality workers, on demand, without the need of an archaic staffing agency
    • Ace Callwood, CEO and Co-Founder of Painless1099, a smart bank account that manages 1099s, benefits, and taxes for independent contractors and their clients.
    • Mario Gabriele, Business Strategy at Fiverr and former Chief of Staff at AND CO.
Event attendees, image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Event attendees, image courtesy of Cake & Arrow


Christina conducing a fireside chat with author Sarah Kessler.  Image courtesy of Cake & Arro