Tackling Problems with Design Thinking for Section4

On December 16, 2021 I taught an introductory class on Design Thinking for Section4 the online ed-tech startup that is trying to offer MBA educations at economies of scale.

Workshop Description: It can be hard to generate impactful new ideas without a stroke of inspiration, but as leaders, we're often called to do this on the fly. This lecture is designed to help you harness design thinking practices to do just this. Design thinking isn't just for designers—it's a problem solving approach that everyone can use for anything from generating a new business idea to solving a social problem to helping you design your life or career goals.

In this final lecture of 2021, come ready to get your hands dirty with hands-on application of fundamental design thinking principles. This time together will teach you a better way to innovate using empathy, ideation, and validation to help you break out of linear thinking and generate great new ideas.

Join us for this interactive lecture at 5 p.m. ET led by Christina Goldschmidt, VP of Product Design at Etsy. With 20+ years of experience working with a wide array of Fortune 500 clients, including Marriott, American Express, The Discovery Channel, Morgan Stanley, and numerous others, she'll walk members through a step-by-step brainstorming process you can use in your own work.