Fortune Brainstorm Design Conference

I co-led a breakfast workshop at the Fortune Brainstorm Design Conference with Rachael Dietkus, Founder of Social Workers Who Design call Care by Design. The #FortuneDesign conference brought together leaders across design to trade ideas and discuss the state of the industry and its future. I co-led a workshop on trauma-informed design and living your values, speaking to how we prioritize mental health and vulnerability in leadership at Etsy – not just on my Product Design team but across the entire company.

Session Description:

Many unexpected shifts have disrupted our ways of doing design. We must design differently by integrating care-centered and trauma-informed practices now and for the future. How can we ensure that design renders care in our practices, experiences, and organizations? In this workshop, participants will learn the foundations of care-centered and trauma-informed frameworks that are emerging in design. We'll practice the values, principles, and mindsets needed to ensure we are transitioning with our employees in a way that centers our collective well-being and care.

Session Goals:

  • Share what it means to have and build a culture of care while focusing on recognizing and acknowledging our values

  • Encourage participants to feel welcome and comfortable enough to practice values of care individually and share reflections with others

  • Walk participants through 3 activities that build help them cultivate care in design

Follow up article:

Fortune then featured me in a follow up article titled:

Etsy’s design leader shares how openly talking about your core values can help improve your mental health