The Gig Economy is Changing the Way We Work


At Cake & Arrow we wanted to explore what it would be like to design insurance for gig economy workers that offers flexibility and stability. 



As of now, about 15% of gig workers rely on platforms like Uber, Upwork, or TaskRabbit to conduct their work. This number is expected to grow. Motivated by the absence of insurance designed for these workers and their general lack of understanding around risk, we thought: what if there was insurance specifically for gig workers, designed around the apps they are already using, which helped them better understand their risk and provided them with some of the security and stability of full time workers?

So we did some research, built a prototype, and tested it. We learned alot about the mindsets of gig workers and what they are looking for in an insurance product.

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow

Image courtesy of Cake & Arrow