Gig Economy Workers in Workers Compensation Gray Area


I was recently quoted in on the gray area that is misclassification of employees in the gig economy.  In the Lawson vs. GrubHub case, the judge declared Lawson to be a contractor, thus dismissing his claims to back wages and expenses.  The gig economy seems to continue to be a gray area and gig workers are left vulnerable and exposed without the proper education to understand their risk exposures.  

My quotes:

"What I'm seeing, looking at the industry as a whole, is that everyone is knows that this is an issue and they are having dialogues internally within the industry and at their companies, but they are waiting to see."
"Its a gray area, and it's going to be either an opportunity or a larger risk that emerges, but right now they have yet to figure that out.  People are trying to propose ideas that would be a win-win."

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