A Transformation from Within: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transforming Digital Culture and Making Your Organization Truly Customer Focused


In the Insurance and Financial Services industries there is still lots of chatter on how to transform companies to be more innovative and customer centric.  Banking, insurance, and private equity all fall below the global average when it comes to their ability to effectively transform and deliver on customer experience. And in the age of digital transformation and customer centricity, their ability to do so is critical to their survival in the 21st century.  While most organizations are aware of the need to transform, many are held back by organizational structures resistant to change and cultures of “business as usual.”

This white paper provides insight into how insurance and financial services organizations can:

  • Enable customer-centric digital capacity from within their organizations
  • Use Design Thinking, User Experience Methods and the principles of Adult Learning to seed change that will increase risk taking, agility and creativity
  • Thoughtfully scale change over time to infuse every level of the organization with a spirit of innovation, design thinking, and customer-centricity