Design Thinking Austin Conference 2022

From September 19-21, 2022, Customer Management Practice put on an in-person conference focused on design Thinking in Austin, TX with one pre-conference workshop day featuring IDEOU, main stage session, multiple tracks for different maturity levels and interactive breakout sessions and discussion groups. My role was to give a main stage talk and then lead two rounds for one of the interactive breakout discussion groups.

Mainstage Talk:

How to Translate and Leverage Design Thinking for Stakeholder Management

Ensuring alignment and understanding of goals and objectives amongst teams and stakeholders is a critical leadership skill. In this session, Christina will walk through an empowering framework for stakeholder management that harnesses core Design Thinking skills – observational research, empathy, storytelling and role play – that can be applied in both in-house and consulting environments.  Featuring a real-life example from Etsy, this talk will demonstrate how this powerful approach can be applied for project success and dispel the myth that stakeholder management is all art only mastered by a few. 


Breakout Discussion Groups:

Design Thinking Meets Mental Health

Design Thinking can help solve even the most complex of problems, not just for business but those facing society.  The pandemic has exposed a mental health epidemic facing our country with major increases in depression, anxiety and burnout and putting mental health front and center in the workplace. Join this discussion as we explore how to craft your organization to foster better mental health to practice great design.