Design & Innovation Executive Exchange

Design Innovation Global convened a select group of design and innovation leaders in Tampa on April 10-12, 2023 to engage in a deep dialogue on the future state of the design industry and connect on a personal level to tackle challenges together.

Session Description: Innovative Methods in Design Thinking: Borrowing Techniques from the Realm of the Mystical

With the magical promise of Design Thinking starting to lose its shine, as Design Leaders how are we to help our teams – and ourselves – solve problems, build products and get to real solutions? There are untapped methods for accessing your subconscious for brainstorming to solve creative problems and business problems that can help you unlock your decision making. Using data to prove that this is a trend sweeping society, this talk will detail practical methods for accessing the subconscious to help make decisions by looking at problems differently and alleviating anxiety and stress around decision making. The surprise twist is that these practices are traditionally considered mystical and not usually used in business: the tarot, breathwork and shamanic journeying.